Monday, April 16, 2012

I forgot about my blog....AGAIN

For the two people that are following me, I am so sorry I that I forgot about my blog again. The countdown to summer is here. 26 days until my first swimsuit appearance. I just counted the days and am really regretting finishing the bag of birthday cake oreos. Goodbye Starbucks and cookies... It is time to work out. Since Feb. 6, I have lost 5 lbs and have kept them off. Hoping to lose 5-10 more by the end of the summer and keep them off. Key words... KEEP THEM OFF!!!!


Monday, February 6, 2012


Last night was the LAST game of football for the 2011-2012 season. I didn't think it would ever come. I also didn't think I would eat an entire bag of ruffles but that's a whole different story. I was watching the game and thinking about what I would I do with all my free time. Now that I am not spending hours watching (or sleeping though) football games,I will start to blog again. I took a brief break from the blogging world but now I am back! My mom might be the only one that notices, but it's a start.

February is an odd month. It is short a few days and also contains the holiday that women and Hallmark created...duuuuh duuuuuh duuuuuuuuuuuh...VALENTINES DAY!!! I have recently joined pinterest and have found so many cute ideas for the holiday that are cheap and say, "i love you" without spending $500. If you haven't joined pinterest, I strongly recommend it. Not only is it a time waster, it shows really fun do-it-yourself craft projects.

I am going to try to attempt to make these for WB

It doesn't look too hard but I will post pics of the final project. This year is looking to be a really fun year! I have a bunch of weddings, bachelorette party for kirsten, a summer beach trip and baby shower for a friend already in the works! I am going to upload pics and stories to entertain the three people that read this blog (three might be an exaggeration).
